My handsome boys!! Things have been so crazy lately, Branson and Kayson are getting so big!! They are interacting more and more each day I love watching them play together. Kayson adores Branson he watches every move he makes. He started rolling over and follows Branson all over! Branson is talking more which is really nice he is able to communicate with Matt and I better so he is not getting so frustrated trying to tell us something. Still trying to find a house our last offer went south again:( the couple selling the house filed for bankruptcy so we pulled our offer, found a new agent and hopefully we will get lucky!! Matt has an interview Tuesday for the lead position in compost, so hopefully he will get it. I think it would be a great experience for him! Tyrel and Shebly found out there having a baby boy!!!! So excited the boy's will have a cousin to play with:) It seems life never slows down we have been trying to be better in all aspects of life! It just seems there is not enough time in the day to get everything accomplished I would like to. I get up having good intentions then it seems everything falls apart, so I just decided that if I get one to two thing done that day I'm doing really well even with two very active boy's!! I'm so grateful for Matt and all he does and sacrifices for us, I'm so lucky to have him in my life!!! Love you babe!!