I'm so grateful for my brothers and sisters I'm one lucky girl to have such amazing siblings! Tuck is headed to Washington on a new adventure that will bring him amazing opportunities!! We will truly miss Tuck and Cori but are so excited for them! Tyrel is so amazing where him, shelby and tuff just went through the temple in January its amazing how many prayers were answered and how many blessings have already come to there cute little family, we love them so much and the boys adore there cousin!! We are so proud of the little girls even though there not little anymore they will always be that to us:) Cassie has done so many great things and is able to go and play ball on another level which we are so excited she will be close so we can go watch her!! And we love watching Tralee play and learn so much from here older sister, and she keeps us all smiling I know everyone loves getting snap chats from her she always can brighten your day! As our little family grows were so blessed to have such amazing in-laws, I'm so grateful were all so close and love to be with each other! I love you guys so much and I'm so blessed to have you all in my life!!!!
Baby GIRL!!!
12 years ago