Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kayson Strong

Kayson is getting so big, he is starting to do more and more each day. He is rolling all over, trying really hard to figure out the crawling thing:) He is finally sitting up!! Loves to watch Branson play, you can see how bad he wants to run around with his brother. His new thing is spitting, there are some day's it looks like he is going to blow a head gasket:) He has the cutest personality, he is just a mellow kid not a lot really gets to him. He loves the water like his big brother they will get in the tub together and splash each other and laugh:) Branson will pretend to sneeze in Kayson's face and that little boy just chuckles, he adores his big brother:) My favorite thing that he does is he will just sit and watch you, I have never seen that before it is like he is just taking it all in! I'm so grateful to have this sweet little boy!! Mommy loves you so much Kayson!!!

Branson Dean

Branson is getting so big!! The cute little things he is doing lately just make me smile! He makes sure he gives me a hug and a kiss in the morning, he will eat breakfast then want to clean up after himself ( and always making sure I'm watching so he gets a high five after:) Wants to hold his brother in the morning and is always asking to feed him. He loves to be outside, the child would live out there if I would let him:) He loves loves loves his dad!! Wants to do everything that he does, it is so fun to watch! I am so blessed to have this little monkey in my life!!! Love you so much bud, your mommy:)

Beck Reunion

The Beck reunion was so much fun we stayed at the Heber Valley Girls Camp. The first night we were just by ourselves which was really fun, when we arrived there were three deer laying underneath the pine tree by are cabin. Branson went nuts!! We unloaded and went for a hike around the lake, it was so pretty! Needless to say our night didn't turn out that well. Between Jay snoring and Maralee telling him that he is snoring, lets just say Becca, Matt, and I could not stop laughing. Matt was laughing so hard and trying to be quite he was squeaking and that just made it worse. Then Branson decided at three that it was time to get up and play outside, he really didn't care it was pitch black!! It was a zoo, I still don't know how Kayson didn't wake up!! Everyone else arrived the next day. We went out on the lake in paddle boats, Branson's favorite and did a challenge course were you had to climb up a tree, go across a rope, then to get to the bottom they hooked you on a zip line. I was terrified I'm not a fan of heights but I made it threw! That night we watched slides of Maralee and her family and talked about Grandma June and J Paul. It was fun listening to all the story's the brothers remembered. I'm so lucky to have Matt's family, they truly love each other and care about each other which I value so much!!! So here are some fun pictures of the fun filled weekend:)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Our crazy life!

My handsome boys!! Things have been so crazy lately, Branson and Kayson are getting so big!! They are interacting more and more each day I love watching them play together. Kayson adores Branson he watches every move he makes. He started rolling over and follows Branson all over! Branson is talking more which is really nice he is able to communicate with Matt and I better so he is not getting so frustrated trying to tell us something. Still trying to find a house our last offer went south again:( the couple selling the house filed for bankruptcy so we pulled our offer, found a new agent and hopefully we will get lucky!! Matt has an interview Tuesday for the lead position in compost, so hopefully he will get it. I think it would be a great experience for him! Tyrel and Shebly found out there having a baby boy!!!! So excited the boy's will have a cousin to play with:) It seems life never slows down we have been trying to be better in all aspects of life! It just seems there is not enough time in the day to get everything accomplished I would like to. I get up having good intentions then it seems everything falls apart, so I just decided that if I get one to two thing done that day I'm doing really well even with two very active boy's!! I'm so grateful for Matt and all he does and sacrifices for us, I'm so lucky to have him in my life!!! Love you babe!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Boys:)

I have to say I am one lucky mom! I love these boys more then life itself. They are such a joy in my life!! Branson adores Kayson he has been such a big help lately. He will help me change Kayson, he will sit under Kayson's toys and talk with him, he wipes off his mouth when he spits up ( my favorite), and he will go get Kayson's bink when he starts to cry, shoves it in his mouth and tells him to stop!:) I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for my boys, he has blessed me so much!! Mommy loves you Branson and Kayson!!!:)


Branson was getting mad at the tree because it was getting in his way so he would smack it every time he would pass it:)

Branson loves to swim he is my little water baby!! I was out watching him one day and he was getting so tired I had to go grab my camera and take a few shots! He was trying to lay down in the water but that was not working very well so he decided that the slide would have to do!

Branson and his Dad:)

Branson wrestling with his dad! He climbs on Matt and says, " Got you" then starts to laugh.

I love watching Branson with Matt! He loves his dad so much, it is amazing how Matt turns into this big teddy bear when Branson comes around. Branson will ask me all day when dad is coming home from work and then waits by the window for him. I am so blessed to have such a awesome man in my life that adores his kids!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Park City!!

Like father like son we had a good laugh at this pic, there facial expressions were the same. I said something to them and they both gave me the same look. Got to love my boys!!

Branson in the big jet tub in our room, between the pool and the tub he spent most of his time in the water:)

Kayson in his swimming suit, he loved the water and cried when we took him out. What can I say I have two little water baby's!!

Sitting outside on the balcony with grandpa!

Branson loved the balcony as well he would close the door and talk to Matt through the glass, it was pretty funny! After he turned to me and was telling me something forgot he closed the door ran back to get his dad and ran right smack into the door. As he was crying I was trying not to laugh because it reminded me of the Windex commercials:) poor little boy!! Needless to say we had tonz of fun, it just went by way to fast!! So sorry I posted a million things it has been crazy just not enough time in the day, especially with two kids!! Love my boys!!

Splash Pad:)

Branson loved going to the Splash Pad in Highland! It is the neatest place, we had a blast with Ash and Parker! It is always nice to find a place that does not cost a thing yet it entertains the kids!!

Random Pics

This is how Branson has been watching his shows lately, he hops in Kayson's bouncer and tells me he is ready!

So I went to check on Branson one night after I had put him to bed and I walk in and saw this I started laughing because he would not let those balloons out of his sight all day. So apparently he thought he had to sleep with them so I would not throw them away.

Our little Kaser's he loves being outside as much as his brother! We just cant get enough of this little guy!! He is growing so fast, just turned four months.

So I have been going with my mom and dad bike riding every morning and it is Branson's favorite part of the day. One morning we had something come up so we didn't end up going till that night and Branson told me "go on bike mom." So I ended up taking him and we didn't even make it to the end of the block before he was passed out!!


The last few months all we have been doing is spending our time outside. Branson can't get enough! And trying to get him to pose for the camera is near impossible. When I am able to get him to stop for five seconds he pulls the funniest faces! Got to love that kid:)

Matt and Branson throwing the football! When he is not playing with his basketball he has a football in his hands, hopefully one day he will end up either in the NBA or the NFL then he can take care of Matt and I:)

Love watching these two play together, Matt sure can't get enough of that little boy!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How do you go throughout life without a sister!!!

Even though they are not so small anymore they are still my baby sisters!! I don't know what I would do without these two they are amazing!! They are both so talented and beautiful!! As I look back growing up I cant think of a time where I didn't do something with these two every weekend, I would spoil them rotten:) But that is the perk of being the older sister! We would go out every weekend and go to dinner and get them an outfit! Now they help me so much with my kids, they are the best aunts! Thank you two for all you do for me, I love you very very much and I am so grateful I have you in my life!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hide and Seek:)

This last couple of weeks we decided to take Branson's nummy away, I have been dreading this day for a really long time!! So Matt put him to bed the other night and he went down without putting up a fight which I thought was very strange but I wasn't going to argue. The next morning I could hear him talking so I go in to get him out of bed and I peek through the crack in the door and he has Kayson's nummy in his mouth, he hears me so he hurry and takes the nummy out and hides it behind his stuffed animals so I cant see it. I could not stop laughing, I do not give that kid enough credit! So needless to say we have to hide all of Kayson's nummy's from Branson!:)

Las Vegas

Grandma and Grandpa with their favorite boys!!:)
Matt, Tralee, Cassie, and Tuck before the game started!!!

We went down to vegas to watch my sister in law play ball. We had so much fun, I love watching how excited Branson gets when he is watching the game! ( like he has had a choice since he was born all he has done is go to his aunts basketball games;) It was such a close game we were playing utah which was a bummer no offence to you utah fans:) they shot a hail mary shot at the end and won by one point. We were pretty bummed but we still enjoyed watching Cori play she is very talented! We definitely get into the games we love wearing our BYU shirts that have Fraughton across the back!!:)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kayson Strong Mortensen

More pictures of Kayson the night he was born!!

So here is are sweet new addition to are family! Kayson Strong Mortensen was born February 14, 2011 at 5:45 pm. I went in that morning to get induced they started me at 7 am, it was a long morning! Thank goodness that are nurses where so good!! Thanks to aunt Michelle:) It's always nice to have someone with connections! So the doc didn't brake my water until after noon they had to wait for my antibiotic to kick in. So needless to say it was a boring morning, of course it was nice to actually sleep without having my legs go crazy! ( Thank you epidural!) The doc came in and broke my water, then it was smooth sailing from there. I started dilating pretty fast once I dilate to a 5 it's not long! So Matt and I were just sitting there talking when I started feeling a lot of pressure so we called in the nurse she checked me and sure enough I was ready to go. Matt called the fam and told them it wasn't going to be long, they got everything ready and by 5:30 the Doctor came in and asked me if I was ready to have this baby? I turned to him and said I was ready two weeks ago! He thought that was pretty funny. Needless to say I started pushing and with one contraction our little angel was born!! The doc was impressed he looked at Matt and told him if that's how fast I have kids then we should have a truck load:) Matt's look was priceless!! They wiped him off and put him on my chest, I just started crying I don't know what it is but bringing a child into the world it's one of the most wonderful, spiritual things that I have experienced. To know that Heavenly Father is trusting me with raising these sweet baby boys is so special to me!! I only tore just a tiny bit so as the doc was fixing me up the fam showed up. I was really excited to see how Branson would react to his new little brother! Maralee brought him in and he was really excited to see his mom and dad but when he saw Kayson he just stared at him with a really funny look on his face then looked at me and told me no, no, no and pushed him away. It was really sad at first then I kept telling myself that he would warm up to him it just might take awhile. So as every one else was holding the baby, Branson was more concerned about eating my dinner!! Love that little boy:) Sorry it has taken so long to post this, but here are some more pictures of that night!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kayson is on his way!!

So Tuesday we went to the doc, it was a great appointment told me I was 90% thinned out and dilate to a 2. So he told me that since they were inducing me on Monday that he was going to strip my membranes to try to get me to dilate just a little more. So the next couple of days I have been walking to the high school and getting my mom and walking back to try to get my Braxton Hicks contractions to kick in a little more. Well when you walk six miles it sure works;) So I walked yesterday, after we got home my contractions started so I sat in my mom's jet tub for an hour:) Heavenly!!! Contractions were about every 5 minutes apart, but then they died down:( So Matt came home from work and we went to the school to get my work done, we get home and my stomach was hard as a rock from the Braxton Hicks. So I'm sitting there watching Nemo with Branson and my contractions start in again but this time they were hurting and coming about every 2 minutes!!! So my mom starts teasing Matt that he better get in the shower because if we didn't get out there in time for me to get an epidural that he might as well sign the papers because I would kill him. It was really funny! So as were timing my contractions waiting for Matt, my dad is sitting on the couch telling me to visualize the ocean and try to relax then he tells me he walks by in a speedo. So in a middle of a contraction I'm trying not to fall off the coach laughing!!! Gotta love that man! So Matt and dad gave me a blessing before we headed to the hospital, which I'm so grateful for the priesthood in my life!!! That I can call on my husband or my dad to give me a blessing!! Thanks guys for being worthy to do that. So were at the hospital and they have me all hooked up and the nurse checks me to see were I'm dilated to. Still a 2:( bummer so she tells me that there going to keep me for an hour and then check me again. So an hour passes and still no change but the new nurse that came in told me my contractions were really regular so I stayed another hour to see if I would dilate a little more. So another hour passes and still nothing. I was so ticked! This little guy is being stubborn! So she sent us home and said if your contractions get stronger come back in. So we get home at 11 and I hop back into the tub and my contractions pretty much stayed the same. So long night but no baby yet! So lets hope that in the next couple days he'll decide to join his family that is waiting so patiently for him to get here!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

So as I am walking through the house because of my restless leg, I was thinking of all the things that we go through to get these little miracles here. But in the end it is so worth every min. of misery. We went to Cassidy's game tonight against Lone Peak, let me tell ya that was a rough one to watch. Come to find out Cassie threw up during half time and still came out and played her hardest. She is one dedicated girl when it comes to her sports! So the house that Matt and I really loved came crossed his email yesterday and they lowered the price to where it is more affordable for us. I was so excited were going in Monday to put in an offer!!! So wish us luck! It is amazing what a little faith and patience will do. I need to remember that more often I think as I go through the daily routine of life I forget how important it is to keep my Heavenly Father close to me. I try so hard to be an example to Branson and Matt but there are some days that I feel like I just can't keep up. I am so grateful for my mom she reminds me daily to have patience and to remember were all still learning and growing! I am so grateful to have so many people in my life who are always looking out for me and my family. So now that I just wrote down a few scattered thoughts I think I'm going to attempt to get some sleep. I just have to keep telling myself that I don't have much longer and this little guy will be here!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Begining of a New Year!!!!!!

Wow were on to a new year already seems like last year just flew by! Branson is getting to be such a big boy! He thinks that he has to do everything that his dad does. Matt went to his mom's the other night to plow the snow off her drive way, and Branson had to be right in his back pocket! It's fun to watch him with his dad, it's like a mini me. The best part is watching Matt's face! He is such a proud daddy!! We were at the doctor's office on Monday and Matt was late so Branson was looking out the window watching for him. Branson saw Matt walking up the sidewalk and turned to me and smiled pointed and said, "DAD!" It was so cute! Matt walked in and Branson ran to the door and with a big smile looked up at him and wanted to be held!!! Let me tell ya that caught Matt off guard. He was one happy dad that day! Branson has turned into a daddy's boy latley! It's kinda sad but at the same time its a good thing, because I didn't know what I was going to do when Kayson got here. By the way everything is going really well with that little guy! We went to the doc and I'm measuring a week early and the heart beat is still really strong!! He is moving like crazy if I'm in a position that he doesn't like let me tell ya he lets me know!!! Kayson will be here on the 14 of February!!! There going to start me that morning:) The doc told me I could be induced a week early or a week late, I just looked at him like really. I'll take a week early thanks!!!!:) But it will be way fun if my labor goes well and he comes on the 14 then Kayson and Branson's Brithdays will be on the 14. So now I have to search for all the new born clothes and wash them and get everything ready to go!!! So a crazy start to our New Year but everything will go great!! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!